Base Game Catan Needed to play with this Expansion.
Adds several new aspects to Settlers of Catan but the two major ones are creating knights to protect the land from invading barbarians and building city improvements that confer benefits upon that city's owner. Adds tactical complexity to the game and game length.
Pandemic: On the Brink includes new event cards, new role cards, rules for five players, and optional game challenges to increase the difficulty of the Pandemic base game.
Bringing you more than just new pets, cages and magic items, the Dungeon Petz: Dark Alleys has a whole new district in the town. This is the heart of the expansion. It’s kind of a back alley district in the Imp town where all the weird existences live and try to do their business. So would you like to hire an illegal worker or buy a pet on the black market? Maybe book a facility that produces food for active dogs, cats and dragons? And what about a fancy ribbon or a cool spiked collar for your pet? Taking care of your pets will never be the same.